Drifting on the River of Dreams
Collective Reading for the Week of 1.5.25 – 1.11.25
Welcome to The Weekly Reading, a collective message of intuitive guidance designed to help you set the tone for the week ahead.
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(Decks: Cats in the Garden Oracle, Hearth and Home Tarot, Emily Dickinson Oracle)
Trust your inner compass. The way forward is yours to choose.
This week, many of us are making choices about how we will direct our energy in the coming year — what projects we want to focus on, what part of our life we want to improve, and what we intend to release or let go of in order to thrive in 2025.
The energy of the week is one of gentle introspection. The Page of Cups invites us to explore our inner worlds with curiosity. What activities and endeavors will help us fill our cup? How can we experience a sense of emotional renewal? We may experience flashes of intuition or insight that indicate which direction we want to flow. This is the energy of the Pisces Moon: dreamy, imaginative, and sometimes locked in our own world. These cards are a gentle invitation to embrace the energy of the year, signified by the Hermit card. As we head into the coming year, we are reminded again that this is a good time to get clear on what we want, our values, and our dreams so that we can act in alignment.
The Choices card from the Emily Dickinson deck reinforces that as we move into 2025, the path forward is one of our own devising. Instead of thinking about what other people think, or putting our needs aside to meet the demands of those around us, we are encouraged to spend some time better understanding our own needs, wants, and preferences. Given the opportunity, what would we choose for ourselves? This does not mean, of course, that we should ignore our friends, family, or community. But there may be places in our lives where we are giving too much energy, time, and resources to other people.
Inside each of us, there is a stream of consciousness that carries the message of our soul’s journey in this lifetime. We can drink deeply of its waters and be refreshed by the knowledge of our unique purpose in life. Only we know which branch of the river will lead to fulfillment and which will lead to stagnation and a dead end. We steer our ship in the direction of our dreams and enjoy the peace and satisfaction that comes from taking aligned action.
Reflection Questions:
What are you ready to release or let go of as you move into 2025?
How can you better prioritize your own emotional renewal in the coming weeks?
What choices feel most aligned with your soul's purpose right now?