This month, we cross the threshold into deep fall, embracing falling leaves, colder weather, and shorter days. The transformational energy of Scorpio invites us to explore what changes may take root in the coming season. As a Scorpio moon myself, this time of year stirs in me a deep desire to shake things up, mirroring the falling leaves, desiccated branches, and the approach of a period of rest and rejuvenation. It’s a time to prune away the dead and dying blooms of the year, conserving our energy so we can weather the coming cold and rain with clarity and purpose.
For this potent time of release, rebirth, and self-discovery, I’ve decided to pare my monthly offerings down to a New Moon spread and reading, a curated playlist to capture the season’s essence, and a downloadable phone wallpaper featuring an affirmation to carry you through the month. Instead of including card spreads for the different transits, I’ll focus on a studio update. May these tools provide guidance and support as you journey inward and prepare for transformation.
New Moon in Scorpio Card Spread + Collective Reading
What is coming to a natural end?
The Sun + Song
We have a literal ending with this new moon, as it corresponds to the end of Daylight Savings Time in most of the United States. This change brings more early morning light, but darkness arrives earlier in the evening. This change can be jarring and disorienting for many. We are also experiencing the end of an election cycle and the rapidly approaching end of the year. While these changes can be difficult, and the approaching winter weather and lack of sunshine can be daunting, we are reminded that this, too, is part of a larger cycle. Regardless of what happens in the realm of politics, it cannot last forever. After fall and winter spring will come once again. Just as a song is a cyclical, temporal experience, so are these verses in our collective experience. Keep joy close to your heart, and hum along with the natural flow of the seasons and of life.
What is ready to transform?
Seven of Wands (rev) + Time
We are being asked to examine how we approach conflict, both individually and collectively. The message here is that, while disagreements are unavoidable—and can often be productive and necessary—they can also be a waste of time. There’s no need to expend resources and energy on pointless arguments or to dwell in resentment or anger. Instead, channel this energy into constructive actions that foster change. Remember, positive change doesn’t have to happen on a national or global scale; it can begin with the things you can control in your own life and relationships. Like ripples in a pond, small, productive actions can accumulate to create a much greater impact than you might realize. Likewise, investing time in unproductive struggles can drain your energy, leaving less for the meaningful changes that truly matter.
Which of my goals align with this moon cycle?
The Fool + Self
Any goals that involve starting fresh, embracing a sense of childlike wonder, or breaking free from the daily grind are strongly supported at this time. It's also a powerful moment to release any personal baggage that’s been holding you back. Reflect on the work you’ve done to free yourself from past limitations—this effort is especially fruitful now. Under the Scorpio moon, transformation is within reach, helping you shed what no longer serves you. This is an invitation to be vulnerable and open to whatever the future may hold. Allow the energy of this new moon to propel you beyond your comfort zone and into a liminal space ripe for growth and expansion. Change is on the horizon, and you’re being called to shed your skin in preparation for what’s to come.
How can I recognize and work with grief?
Nine of Cups (rev) + Growth
The main message here is that grief brings discomfort, and with this discomfort comes the opportunity for growth and transformation. It is often painful and sorrowful to release parts of ourselves—habits, behaviors, ideas, beliefs, identities—that no longer serve us. But without letting go of these things, there is no space in our lives for something new to enter. Holding tightly to what we know may feel like self-protection against the unknown, but it can also lead to stagnation and unhappiness. Growth doesn’t always mean expansion; it can also mean transformation. Think of the journey from seed to flower, or caterpillar to butterfly. One form must dissolve for another to emerge, yet the same life energy flows through both. Recognizing and working with grief begins with accepting and understanding that nothing lasts forever—and that there is beauty in the letting go.
What will help me understand my emotions?
Five of Pentacles (rev) + Tree
You may be accustomed to seeing your emotions as an enemy—something to tame, hide, or manage so you can get back to "normal." But this perspective limits your ability to connect with your intuition and emotional insight. Like the roots of a tree, our emotions run deep and anchor us. They both stabilize and nourish us. When our emotional needs aren’t met, we can’t fully grow or thrive. Denying our emotions cuts off a valuable source of energy that’s fundamental to our human experience. To understand your emotions, start by accepting them. Be curious about how you feel, staying neutral and avoiding judgments of "right" or "wrong." You don’t need to act on every feeling, but allowing yourself to experience the full depth and range of your inner world will enrich your understanding and emotional resilience.
What is the lesson of this new moon?
Queen of Wands + Safe
This card combination brings a gentle, encouraging message as we begin this new moon cycle. It reminds us that we can feel safe within ourselves and that we have the wisdom to create actions and rituals that bring us comfort, stability, and security. There is also a sense that, no matter what the future holds, we as a collective are awakening to the importance of protecting the rights and autonomy of women. In the long arc of our shared experience, this truth is undeniable and cannot be silenced. While we cannot predict the exact timing of universal justice, the long hand of fate will eventually be felt by all. Though it is beyond human knowledge to foresee a triumph of joy over tyranny in the immediate future, it is likely that, over time, the cycles of our existence will lead us toward greater joy, harmony, and understanding as a species. As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”
Monthly Playlist
Enjoy this month's curated Spotify playlist
Phone Lock/Home Screen
Download a copy for your phone HERE.
Studio Updates
Drawlloween 2024
October is traditionally a month filled with seasonal art challenges collectively known as Artober. For the past three years, I’ve participated in artist Mab Grave’s Drawlloween challenge, and this year was no exception. Below are this year's prompts along with my entries. Drawlloween always pushes me to challenge my creativity and step outside my comfort zone by sharing my work. The hardest part is developing a concept that I feel confident executing each day, which truly tests my creative limits and skills! This year, I focused on digital design, incorporating the prompt text within each image. I’m really proud of my work this year!
The Hearth and Home Tarot
I am totally smitten with the Hearth and Home Tarot! The proof has arrived, and even though I have not had a chance to photograph the deck, I took a few quick shots to give you all a sneak preview. She’s so cute and cozy!
Also Coming Soon…
The Groovy Magic Oracle will be on sale as soon as I finish the guidebook. My goal is to make it available for sale on the full moon. I will have three copies in stock.
The Coastal California Oracle is getting polished up. My goal is to have it finished, proofed, and ready to go by December. But it might be closer to the new year.
I’m making progress on the collage work for the The Home Blessings Oracle. The next step will take a while as I used found text to create spells or incantations for each card.
I’ve been inspired to make more original collage available in my Etsy shop, so look for that to appear in the form of notecards and maybe bookmarks in the coming months!